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Showing posts from September, 2018

Types of video editing and its benefits

Video editing is the manipulation and arrangement of video shots. Video editing is used to structure and present all video information, including films and television shows, video advertisements and more. If you are videographer then you must know the importance of video editing and it’s near to impossible to get a perfect video without editing, so we cannot ignore its importance. If you don’t have the proper knowledge or resources for video editing or you don’t have enough time for it, then we at Uretouch would be more than happy to help you with your post production works. Types of video editing: Linear video editing: It is a video editing post-production process of selecting, arranging and modifying images and sound in a predetermined, ordered sequence. Video is edited in a very linear way, several video clips from different tapes are recorded to one single tape in the order that they will appear as a final complete video. Non-linear editing: It is a form of audio, video, or ...

Photography is Incomplete Without Good Retouching

I firmly believe that in today’s world photography is incomplete without good retouching . Our industry has changed so much over the last few decades that ignoring retouching is equivalent to believing that learning the intricacies of composition is unnecessary. Am I wrong? I want this article to promote conversation. We live in a world where we’re allowed to have our own opinions and I’d love to hear yours in the comments at the end. Photography Industry Has Changed, Or Has It? In years gone past, before digital cameras and Photoshop, when photographers didn’t make significant adjustments to their photos, photography was pure. It was better. People knew what they were seeing was real and as a result photography was better. No, that’s not the case at all. Firstly, back in the day there was something called the darkroom. In that magical place images went through pretty significant changes. Today we have Photoshop and other photo-editing programs which allow us to make adjustment...